Johanna G. Seldes/IDC Tampa Blogs

Column Refrigeration opens up design options

New Take on Refrigeration Guest Writer: Felix Menedez, Famous Tate The days of massive stainless appliances may be coming to an end. For nearly twenty years the recognized symbol of the luxury kitchen was the enormous stainless built-in refrigerator. Recent trends now seem to indicate appliances becoming less “in your face” and more a complement […]

Tampa Johanna Seldes Coastal Kitchen Design

Are you Cooking, Looking, or Both?

Gourmet Chef, Modern-Day Cook or Microwave Afficiando? When considering cooking appliance options for your kitchen redesign the theory and practice of “form and function” are the key ingredients to the success of the recipe. Johanna G. Seldes, Tampa ASID interior designer knows that “form and function” in the kitchen are as important as “salt and […]

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