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Experience pays off with new home design

Experience pays off with new home design

Written by: Lyla Haggard / Photos by: Johan Roetz

We’ve all heard the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child.” While parents serve as the main care providers, everyone from grandparents and siblings to friends and teachers play an important role in the development of a child. The adventure of building a new home from scratch shares similar characteristics. Teamwork—consisting of members who have the best skills and experience—is essential to support homeowners who face a myriad of decisions, all the way from determining the perfect floor plan to selecting door hardware.

Ruth and Gary spent 10 years living in Tampa Palms, raising their two teenage children. Knowing that they would soon be empty nesters, the couple decided to look for a home closer to South Tampa. They found a tear-down in Beach Park, which is within walking distance to Gary’s office, that would allow them to build a smaller home to accommodate their new lifestyle, as well as include a touch of the modern design they desired.

Building the team
Gary and Ruth knew pretty much what they wanted, which was a big help to the other team members.  Builder Jon Solomon, owner of Javic Homes, along with some of his sub-contractors joined with Johanna G. Seldes, ASID, interior designer and owner of Interior Design Consulting, to learn the homeowners’ concepts and desires prior to beginning physical work.  Seldes brought 25 years of both planning and design experience, having worked in Washington, DC; Charleston, SC; and the last 15 years here in Tampa. “Since this family was changing from traditional design to a more modern look, listening was key,” Seldes says. “I had worked with them 10 years ago on their former house; now I needed to be sure that I focused in on the function they wanted emphasized, since their family would be smaller in a few years.”

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Johanna G. Seldes, ASID IDC/Interior Design Consulting is a full service, award-winning Tampa Bay interior design firm that works with custom home builders, remodeling companies and individual clients. We provide interior design project management services throughout the entire construction process, including preconstruction design, selections, and installation.